Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our Beach Adventure

       Hi, Everyone! It's Saige again with a story about our beach adventure.
 When we first got to the beach we posed for a photo on the newly redone stairs, because it was high tide and we wanted to play in the sand.
Then we started walking down the really rocky slope that led to the beach
 When we (finally) got to the beach, we sat down on two rocks to make a sandcastle.
 I stuck the shovel in as far as I could get it in so that I could get in nice and deep to start filling up the bucket.
 It took a long time.
 Almost there...
 Then we flipped it over.
 The sand kind of crumbled.
 Emily ran to the water to rinse the bucket out to try again.
 It took many,
 many tries,
 before we got it to stay.
 Emily patted in the soft parts to make a nice and firm sandcastle
We went and climbed on the rocks and talked for a little bit.
Then got down to walk along the beach.
It was the the perfect ending to a perfect day.


  1. Love Emily's hair, do you want to get any of the beforever dolls?

    1. Thank you! I actually just took it out of those braids and will probably post a before and after photo. I do want to get a Beforever dolls, probably Samantha because she always was my favorite

  2. What a wonderful day!

    1. Thank You! It was really nice at the beach, and the photos were really fun to set up and take.
